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How to decide to update your interior


Sooner or later, even the most ergonomic and high-quality renovation begins to become old and boring: dents appear on the sleeping places, chair seats become worn, curtains fade, and everything becomes very decadent and dull.

If you have at least once had the thought that “something is wrong” or “something is not right” at home, perhaps it’s time for you to update the interior!

How to understand that the moment has come?

Let's go from larger to smaller, because the reasons for updating the interior can be completely different.


1 sign: the furniture looks shabby

If the bed is wrinkled, the sofa is covered with indelible stains or has been customized by a pet, if an armchair or stool begins to creak treacherously under you, and if the closet door opens without permission whenever it pleases, then it’s definitely time.

All the external qualities of furniture are not even as important as what happens inside it. A sagging bed means back pain, a creased sofa means hello, sore lower back, a creaking armchair or stool, fortunately, not so dangerous, but it does get on your nerves.

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If any of the above is happening in your home, make room, it's time to buy new furniture!

Sign 2: there is too much furniture

Any order inevitably tends to chaos - these are the laws of our universe. It’s the same in an apartment or house - at first you swear that you won’t buy anything unnecessary, but after 5-7 years you find yourself maneuvering between a coffee table, three armchairs, a sofa, a chest of drawers, a shelving unit and a cat bed. Of course, all this was bought with good intentions and for the sake of beauty, but at some point the furniture simply took over the space, and it’s time to do something about it.

The contents of the cabinets must be checked to see if they are needed and the huge cabinets must be replaced shelves with doors or open shelving with shelves. Choose a sofa with storage space - some of the contents of the cabinets will be hidden there. Two chairs are enough, you can choose models compact chairs, and the third can be replaced velor pouf. Choose coffee table with glass top - it looks more airy and does not eat up space. You can also replace some pieces of furniture with mirrored ones - for example, console for the bedroom or bedside table - mirror surfaces also increase space.

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Sign 3: you don't like your home

There is a saying “you haven’t lived richly, and there’s nothing to start with.” Forget it, your motto should be “we live happily, and we will be even happier.” Therefore, the fact that your furniture is simply boring to you, annoying, seems ugly and not fashionable is not a whim, but a worthy reason to replace this furniture.

Just as rubbing shoes irritate you, a random stain on your favorite shirt upsets you, or a coat style that seems outdated can infuriate you; furniture that you no longer like can spoil your mood.

Feel free to go to the store and choose something new, beautiful, comfortable, stylish. Because home should be your fortress, and not a place where you don’t like everything.

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Sign 4: the family has grown larger

It's not necessarily about having a baby. Getting married is also an addition to the family. There are standards - there should be 33 square meters of space per person. For two - already 45. Accordingly, some furniture will have to be abandoned to make the space more functional, and some will have to be replaced with more ergonomic options.

Here are 4 main signs that it's time to change the furniture in your home. If you have ideas about why furniture still needs to be changed, share it in the comments. And don’t forget that the main thing is to surround yourself with beauty and comfort!

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