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The factory "Garda Decor" is a dynamically developing domestic production of upholstered furniture.

Our sofas and sofa beds are a combination of aesthetics and thoughtful functionality. We produce different models — from luxurious Art Deco to restrained neoclassical.

The designers of the Garda Design Studio constantly follow the global trends in the interior and participate in large-scale exhibitions of furniture and interior items.

The production of Garda Decor is a modern workshop, more than 15 years of experience in the furniture market, high—tech equipment and qualified personnel.

Sofas in standard colors are available. We also offer more than a hundred colors of upholstery to order — our specialists will help to choose the desired tone.

The production time
of the sofa is 30-90 working days.
The production period for sofas
upholstered in genuine leather is
up to 35-95 working days.

Mechanisms of transformation of sofas "Garda Decor"

French cot

We release at least one new sofa model every month!
Subscribe to our newsletter and be always up to date with the news of our factory!

Our specialists are always ready to advise and help you choose the model that will fully satisfy your request!

Choose your sofa, bed or chair here:

Sofa catalog

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