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Color combinations in the bedroom interior: fashion trends and designer recommendations



  1. Blue and white
  2. Beige and gold
  3. Mustard and navy blue
  4. Green, yellow-green and yellow
  5. Lilac and white
  6. Brown and pink
  7. Turquoise and pink
  8. Grey and white
  9. Grey and yellow
  10. Green, peach and orange
  11. Red, gray and beige
  12. Red and blue
  13. Purple and beige
  14. Black, white and wood
  15. Photos of examples of color combinations in the bedroom

A bedroom is a room that plays a special role in a person’s life. In the bedroom, people rest, retire, relax, restore strength and peace of mind after the hustle and bustle of the day. Therefore, it is especially important to create an atmosphere in this room that provides maximum comfort. Creating such an atmosphere is impossible without selecting a suitable color palette, because it is the colors that are responsible for well-being, mood and quality of rest. When arranging the interior, it is allowed to use both pastel and bright shades, the main thing is to combine them correctly. To avoid mistakes and achieve the perfect result, you should use the designers’ recommendations for combining different colors in the bedroom.

Blue and white

White is a universal color that is out of fashion. It personifies tenderness, lightness, purity, tranquility, and with the help of white you can visually enlarge the space. However, an excessive amount of white can play a cruel joke: the room will resemble a sterile laboratory or hospital ward. Therefore, designers advise be sure to dilute white with other colors.

So, in a bedroom interior, white looks great in combination with blue. The white and blue color scheme creates a feeling of coolness and freshness, calms, and sets the mood for relaxation and philosophical reflection. With its help, you can completely decorate your bedroom in a marine style or add accents (for example, use blue and white window textiles). The tandem of white and blue is especially suitable for bedrooms with good daylight.

Beige and gold

Golden-beige color scheme is a classic combination that is appropriate in bedrooms with any design. This win-win combination performs several important functions:

  • Pacifies, promotes complete relaxation.
  • Emphasizes the grace and nobility of the environment.
  • Makes the bedroom cozy and bright.

The predominant color in such an interior is, as a rule, a warm and calm beige color. Furniture with golden elements and decorative items “like gold” (lamps, candlesticks, sofa cushions, picture frames and mirrors) add chic and shine to the bedroom. And the combination of gold and beige looks very romantic, so if you have a honeymoon, there’s no better option.

Mustard and dark blue

The combination of mustard tones and indigo color is considered a rather bold design decision. It is usually chosen by people who want to add depth and mystery to the bedroom interior. Dark blue plays a particularly important role in this combination: fans of the philosophy of Zen Buddhism are confident that this shade develops creative abilities, induces proper meditation, and enhances spatial perception.

However, it is worth considering that indigo color should be used in limited quantities, otherwise the bedroom interior will look heavy. Therefore, you can limit yourself to decorating the walls in blue tones, and furniture, carpet and curtains in soft mustard shades will be the ideal complement. By the way, mustard color has a variety of tones, each of which plays its own role. For example, honey-mustard will give the bedroom expressiveness and soulfulness, and mustard-greenish will create the effect of novelty.

Green, yellow-green and yellow

A good idea for decorating a bedroom interior would be to use an analogue triad - three colors that are adjacent on the color wheel. Examples include green, yellow-green and yellow: despite the richness of these shades, their combination looks very harmonious in the bedroom.

When arranging a bedroom in yellow-green tones, it is worth using several shades of green: light green, mint, pistachio. These shades get along well with each other, and the result is a harmonious background with a smooth flow of one shade into another. Even if the bedroom faces north, it will look warm and bright.

Moderate use of bright green tones is also allowed: these can be inserts on cabinet furniture, patterns on bedroom textiles, miniature night lamps, or, for example, an accent wall. Fits perfectly with the yellow-green scheme and various botanical prints.

Lilac and white

Lilac color in the bedroom, unlike violet, has the most beneficial effect. Here are some advantages of using it in the bedroom interior:

  1. Lilac calms, pacifies, helps to relax.
  2. Many psychologists agree that lilac awakens sensuality and enhances the feeling of falling in love.
  3. Delicate lilac tones visually increase the space of the bedroom.

Since the lilac color is considered quite strong in terms of its impact on the psyche, it cannot be the only background for the bedroom - it is necessary to add other colors. Lilac is best combined with white - a bedroom decorated with these colors looks gentle, calm and cozy. It is desirable that white dominate in this tandem, and the surface of the headboard and bedroom textiles: rugs, rugs, curtains, bedspreads can be decorated in lilac tones. An excellent addition to the white and lilac interior will be elegant glass furniture and mirrors in beautiful frames.

Shades of lilac depend on the goals you want to achieve. For example, a dark lilac color will add mystery and depth to the bedroom interior. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of dark lilac, and also remember that dark shades visually conceal square meters.

Brown and pink

Brown color, most shades of which belong to the warm color palette, pacifies, gives a feeling of calm, and gives the bedroom coziness. An important advantage of brown is that there is never too much of it. Even if almost the entire bedroom is decorated in brown shades, there will be no overload, since this color is pleasant to the eye and does not cause fatigue. However, the bedroom will look even warmer and more sophisticated in combination with pink tones.

Such a soft combination of colors gives the bedroom coziness, helps relieve stress, and improves sleep. Bedroom furniture in brown and pink tones should ideally be wooden. Noble woody shades will harmonize perfectly with soft pink textiles and accessories. But there is one caveat: brown color has increased light absorption. So when planning bedroom lighting, it is better to give preference to multi-level lighting.

Turquoise and pink

At first glance, the tandem of turquoise and pink in the bedroom is not very successful because of its brightness. However, in reality, these cheerful tones look original and stylish. Turquoise, named after the precious mineral, is one of the most soothing colors - it evokes associations with the Caribbean Sea, Tiffany jewelry, which is traditionally packaged in turquoise boxes, and other pleasant things.

Since the turquoise palette relieves stress and puts you in a positive mood, it is ideal for decorating a bedroom. It is recommended to use pink and coral shades in such an interior to create accents. Such accents can be small details (vases, figurines, decorative pillows) or, for example, bright pink photo wallpaper. It is better to stick them on the wall behind the head of the bed: they will enliven and decorate the interior of the bedroom, but will not irritate you after waking up.

Grey and white

The gray color in the bedroom interior does not seem boring at all. On the contrary, it performs many useful functions:

  • Promotes relaxation after a busy day.
  • Creates a neutral bedroom environment.
  • Emphasizes the good taste of the residents.

Regardless of the size of the bedroom, decorating it in gray and white tones can be a win-win solution. Thanks to its neutrality, such a bedroom will “adjust” to the mood of the owners.

To maintain an unobtrusive and relaxing atmosphere, do not use bright accents. Fluffy gray and white blankets, table lamps with geometric patterns, 3D visualizations - all these details will add zest to the bedroom interior without disturbing the overall style. To differentiate between gray and white surfaces, you can use contrasting inserts: moldings, wall moldings. There is one more feature: a gray and white bedroom should not look cluttered, so there should not be a lot of furniture in it.

Grey and yellow

A combination of soft yellow and gray colors will help fill your bedroom with positive solar vibrations. These shades, so different from each other, coexist perfectly in the bedroom interior. The color gray should predominate in this ensemble: according to the rules of color, when decorating a space, it is allowed to use no more than 20% yellow.

Sofa cushions, small vases with bouquets of wild flowers, and yellow inserts on cabinet furniture can adequately serve as bright sunny accents in the bedroom. Thanks to such accents, the muted gray color will sparkle, and if you don’t want to stop there, you can paint the fireplace or one of the walls yellow.

Green, peach and orange

In a peach-green bedroom, peach color will be the main background: it looks sunny and cozy. A wonderful addition to this background will be green textiles: original curtains, luxurious bedspreads, fluffy rugs. But green bedroom furniture is not the best choice: it looks strange and cheapens the interior.

As a third tone to a harmonious pair of green and peach colors, a cheerful orange color is suitable. It is especially recommended when it comes to a children's bedroom: according to psychologists, orange has a beneficial effect on the psyche of children. Adult family members will also be pleased: orange improves mood and helps to be in good shape.

Red, gray and beige

When decorating a bedroom, people usually refuse to use shades of red, and there are indeed reasons for this. Red is considered a rather powerful, aggressive color, overstimulating the mind and causing a feeling of anxiety. However, in small quantities it is beneficial: even a rather boring bedroom interior will look bright and rich. In addition, do not forget that red is the color of passion, so with its help you can improve your relationship with your loved one.

A worthy company for red is gray in any of its shades (light gray, metallic, wet asphalt), as well as calm beige. All furniture and decoration can be made in neutral colors, and an accent wall opposite the front door will help to enliven the bedroom.

Red and blue

Such a contrasting combination will certainly interest those who like to experiment. To avoid a feeling of dissonance when perceiving the bedroom interior, blue should be used in strictly measured doses, as small fragments.

Purple and beige

Although purple is considered a controversial color, it feels good in tandem with a calm beige color. To prevent the bedroom decor from seeming gloomy, shades of purple should be used as accents. A third tone (for example, white or milky) will organically fit into a beige-violet interior, and there must also be a place for mirror and silver surfaces.

Black, white and wood

The duet of black and white in the bedroom interior looks quite cold. It is also worth considering the fact that excess black in the bedroom can take away energy and reduce the level of performance. However, if you add a woody shade to the two colors, the atmosphere in the bedroom will immediately warm up. Each color in this triad has its own role:

  1. White color expands the space, fills the bedroom with air and light.
  2. The black color frames the white details and adds contrast to the bedroom decor.
  3. Woody shades accompanying the black and white palette relieve fatigue, energize, and give a feeling of harmony with nature.

When choosing a color scheme, you should first of all be guided by your own taste. A person should feel comfortable in the bedroom, so if he likes bright and even flashy colors, they can be used in the interior.

It is also recommended to take into account several rules:

  • Dark, muted colors reduce volume, so they are unsuitable for arranging small bedrooms.
  • Matte colors in the bedroom look noble, but glossy surfaces make the bedroom lighter and more spacious.
  • Excessively saturated shades in the bedroom are undesirable: excessive richness of color overloads the interior.
  • The selection of colors is directly influenced by the location of the apartment. If the bedroom windows face north, it is advisable to give preference to shades with a warm undertone. A sunny bedroom does not need warm shades - on the contrary, cool tones are better suited for it.

So choosing a color palette for a bedroom interior is an interesting, but not easy task, because there are so many options. Garda Decor store specialists will help you solve this problem and choose the optimal color combination. As a result, you will be able to create a real masterpiece - a stylish and cozy bedroom that you won’t want to leave.

Photos of examples of color combinations in the bedroom

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