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Ways to optimize space using furniture



  1. Imagination and creativity
  2. Room assignment
  3. Transformation
  4. Folding furniture
  5. Sleeping place
  6. Instead of conclusion

Today, the price per square meter of real estate is so high that not everyone can afford spacious housing. This is true for large cities, but the problem is also present in the provinces. 

It’s easy to guess that in a house where every square meter counts, it’s important to arrange the space in such a way as to make the most of it. At the same time, it is important that the area of ​​an apartment or house remains functional and comfortable, so that individuality is not lost in the race for every centimeter, so that housing meets the needs of a person and his lifestyle. 


Imagination and creativity

If you live in a small apartment, you need to admit it and build on what you have. In such conditions, it is impossible to perform thoughtless actions. You need to plan every action and every step. First, make a list of needs that the space in your home should satisfy. For example, fully relax on the bed, cook in the kitchen, arrange a workplace, and so on. For each item on your list, determine what you are willing to sacrifice and what you are not. For example, you can refuse a large bed, but it should be comfortable. You don't want to lose your workspace, but are ready to combine it with the kitchen area. 

Designers note that in most cases, comfort is possible even in a small space. The main thing is to show imagination and creativity. You may have to abandon standards, putting your own desires at the forefront. In this case, you can create a practical and functional interior that will satisfy most needs. 

Assignment of rooms

There are some stereotypes regarding the use of rooms. Surely you have visited apartments of the same type, in which there was a standard purpose for the premises. The largest room was the living room, the smallest was the children's room, and so on. But the needs of the family were not taken into account. Sometimes the living room remains empty, and the bedroom, in which the residents of the apartment spend a lot of time, becomes cramped for them. As a result, it turns out that space is used irrationally. 

There is no need to look at other people's opinions and continue to follow stereotypes. You have the right to do whatever you want in your home. You need to use rooms in a way that is convenient for you, and not in the way that others expect from you. 

For example, if you have three children, it is logical to put them in a large room instead of forcing them to huddle in a small bedroom. In this case, children will not have to use other rooms of the house for games and entertainment, and the life of family members will become easier. 

There is no need to be afraid to change the purpose of rooms. Do not initially look at the room as a strictly designated functional area. Evaluate the dimensions and shape and, after checking the list of needs, choose the purpose yourself. 

By the way, rooms can have several functions at once. On sale today are partitions and furniture groups that can easily cope with this task. In addition, you can use multifunctional furniture that will expand the capabilities of the room. 

For example, a chest of drawers can have a retractable tabletop that can easily turn it into a work desk. And a mirror installed on top will double as a dressing table. 


Modular furniture has the ability to transform. In addition, combinations with different blocks are possible. For example, a modular sofa can become a large corner sofa or be disassembled into two beds. This solution is used in the living room-bedroom. It can act as a bed and at the same time become a spacious area for receiving guests if necessary. 

Another equally successful example is modular shelving. They can be rearranged and combined in any way to adapt to the size and configuration of the room. They can be used to store books, photographs and other decor. In addition, they can easily be transformed into a partition to divide a room into zones. 

Shelves and racks can fill vertical surfaces without having to sit on the floor. That is, for them you can allocate free walls, ceiling areas and other places where they will not interfere with anything and at the same time perform their functions. 

A good idea to optimize is modular cabinets. Storage systems are essential in every home, but they take up so much space that they sometimes create unnecessary clutter that is more of a nuisance than a help. Modular furniture has a convenient configuration. You don’t have to take extra parts, others can be successfully combined with each other, and others, on the contrary, can be placed at a distance. As a result, the cabinet is placed in a small room, but does not create a feeling of bulkiness and lack of air. 

At the same time, the system itself adapts to needs. Choose modules with shelves, drawers, rods (including pull-out ones), customize your storage space for specific purposes and tasks. Installing additional shelves and modules will not cause any difficulties. 


Folding furniture

We do not use all the items we have at home all the time. For example, a dining space or desk is needed only for a short period of time - after that they can be removed. Additional chairs are also folded, which you use only when receiving guests. 

This furniture feature allows for efficient use of space. This solution is suitable for small rooms where you have to count every square meter. The functionality of each item is the best optimization to ensure comfort in any conditions. 

If the furniture cannot be folded, it can be built in. Tables, work surfaces, chairs, and seating can be built into the walls. 

Sleeping place

The bedroom is a place of rest and recuperation. But if the apartment is small, then the bedroom also has to be a study and a living room. In this case, modular systems come to the rescue. 

Modular beds can be easily stored in a closet, thereby freeing up space for other tasks during the day. When it's time to sleep, the bed unfolds in just a few steps and is ready for use. For a multifunctional room that changes its role several times a day, this is an ideal solution. 

This solution is also suitable for a nursery, since kids need a place for games and sports activities. 

An alternative solution for sleeping can be a sofa. Yes, a bed in the bedroom is preferable, but what if there is no bedroom as such? In this case, you have to sacrifice something. You need to understand that many sofa models are suitable for sleeping. They are equipped with a full-fledged mattress with independent springs, forming a seamless sleeping place, without losing the ability to easily assemble and transform into a comfortable place to meet guests. 

Use a sofa instead of a bed in a small apartment. It is suitable for studios and one-room apartments where there is no separate room for the bedroom. Where you have to sleep, meet guests, relax and work in one place, and sometimes also eat here. It is also suitable for two-room apartments, where one room is allocated to children and the second to parents. In order not to turn the living space into a complete bedroom, parents have to sleep on the sofa.

The sofa adapts to the needs of the apartment owners. It easily turns into a sleeping place when necessary, and also becomes a convenient place to sit when guests are on the doorstep. 


Instead of conclusion

Proper filling of the interior is important in any room, especially in a small apartment or house, where every centimeter must bear a functional load. 

By choosing universal, transformable systems, you get more functions from one item, rationally organize the room, and at the same time feel comfortable. 

At the same time, the tips given in the article also work over a large area. A flexible, functional space that easily adapts to your specific needs and lifestyle allows you to feel more mobile, active and independent. 

If it’s difficult for you to choose the furnishings for your home yourself, contact Garda Décor. Using the products presented in the catalog, you can easily decorate any room in Art Deco and Neoclassical style. We know how to find a balance between beauty and comfort. 

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